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Dew Drop Inn Tour
Athens, GA (Athn)
Thursday, October 10, 1996
Classic Theatre

Dent Review: Review Setlist
Audience Recording

Tori Amos 1996-10-10 Athens, GA (incomplete)

Original Link:
Filename: tori1996-10-10inc.flac.torrent
Info Hash: fad64dce77566bc0f6141e08e1be5e1142a0722f
Size: 313.35 MB (328,570,590 bytes)
Uploaded by: LisaX

Tori Amos
October 10, 1996 - incomplete
Athens, GA [note: text file erroneously says "Atlanta"]
at the Classic Theater

Source: cassette from the collection of Richard Handal, courtesy of Danica K

Transfer: TEAC W-1200 [Dolby Noise Reduction on]> Realistic 31-2020 10-band stereo equalizer (tape hiss lowered by lowering 8KHz) > Marantz Stereo Receiver SR940 > Line Out/In > Tascam DR-07 > SD card > card slot > CoolEdit Pro (light hiss removal, amplification, append tracks) > CDWave (wav splitter) > Wavs > Trader's Little Helper > FLACs > FLAC tagging (MP3tag v3.05)

Notes: There were some stops/starts between songs and apparently the taper somehow missed taping Little Earthquakes. There's an odd intermittent sound happening every 2-3 seconds in Me and a Gun/China; possibly squeaking from the recorder that you can only hear in the quiet parts? Some sound fluctuations; it sounds like maybe the taper covered the mic during the applause. Tori talking is hard to hear but the Dent review helps to decipher it:

01. Beauty Queen
02. Horses
03. Losing My Religion
04. chat
05. Blood Roses
06. Little Amsterdam
07. chat
08. Cornflake Girl
09. Doughnut Song
[Little Earthquakes - missing]
10. chat
11. Frog on My Toe
12. Upside Down
13. Precious Things
14. Caught A Lite Sneeze
15. Talula
16. Me and a Gun
--Encore 1:
17. Sugar
18. China
--Encore 2:
19. Father Lucifer (with Tubular Bells and Smalltown Boy)
20. Etienne (just a bit) >
21. Honey
22. Song For Eric