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Under the Pink Tour
Cardiff, Wales (Card)
Tuesday, April 26, 1994
St. David's Hall

Dent Review: Review

Note: Data is very sporadic for this tour. Setlist may be incomplete or out of order.

Audience Recording

Tori Amos 1994-04-26 Cardiff, Wales

Original Link:
Info Hash: 32422d61370ea60aece332a574742a966936e37b
Size: 413.89 MB
Uploaded by: LisaX

Tori Amos
Cardiff, Wales
St. David's Hall

Source: FLACs from Samantha Free

01. Precious Things (cut at beginning)
02. story/Pretty Good Year
03. Crucify
04. Leather
05. story/Icicle
06. God
07. Silent All These Years
08. The Waitress
09. Happy Phantom
10. Bells for Her
11. Me and a Gun
12. Baker Baker
13. encore break - encore 1
14. Cornflake Girl
15. A Case of You
16. encore break - encore 2
17. Past the Mission
18. Smells Like Teen Spirit
19. Mother
20. Outro