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Sinful Attraction Tour
Durham, NC (Dur)
Friday, July 31, 2009
Durham PAC

Dent Review: Review
Audience Recording

Tori Amos - 2009-07-31, Durham, NC

Original Link:
Filename: tori2009-07-31.FLACs.torrent
Info Hash: 9fc915d8c2ac127b2c75e2a64c7731c40df661aa
Size: 541.91 MB (568,236,939 bytes)  (22 files)
Uploaded by: LisaX

Tori Amos
July 31, 2009
Durham, NC at the Durham PAC

Taper: LisaX
Location: Section 3, row B , seat 123
Source: Sony ECM-DS60P > mic (plug in power) > Sony MZ-M200 (Hi-SP)
Transfer: Sony MZ-M200 > USB > SonicStage 3.4 > CDWave (tracking) >
Flac Frontend > flac (level 8)
Trader's Little Helper for Fingerprints, md5

There is some occasional mic shuffling or mic pops.

01. Give
02. Beauty of Speed
03. hello / band intro
04. Cornflake Girl
05. Starling
06. Black-Dove (January)
07. Glory of the 80s
08. Pandora's Aquarium
09. Marys of the Sea
10. 1,000 Oceans

-Lizard Lounge-
11. Landslide
12. Upside Down
(band returns)
13. Lady in Blue
14. Bliss
15. Police Me
16. Precious Things
17. Strong Black Vine

18. Body and Soul
19. Big Wheel