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Sinful Attraction Tour
Minneapolis, MN (Mpls)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
State Theatre

Dent Review: Review
Audience Recording

Tori Amos Minneapolis MN 2009 08 05

Original Link:
Info Hash: cff0f3d7685690b6bcb469e67a37821aa750e745
Size: 406.05 MB
Uploaded by: 3settembre

Taped by 9thbeastie

I know people like to keep track of what kind of mics were used and so forth and that info now travels with the audio files when flacs are downloaded as a set.

So for those purposes here is the pertinent information.

Show was recorded from Main Floor - Row K center. The mics which were used are the "stealthy cardioid battery box mics" which are known for their ability to accurately reproduce the big bass heavy sound of a live performance. Some folks like the bass, others don't. To best reproduce the sound heard by those attending the show on August 5th, 2009...this performance should be played on a sound system which features a sub-woofer. I have a BOSE home theatre system and this content sounds exactly like what we heard at the time of the recording. A Sony MiniDisc recorder model MZ-M100 served as the recorder/ storage device until a digital transfer was undertaken and a conversion from wav to flac was made.

The sound of the show is a little "muddy" at times and the vocals are not as prominent as I would have liked. Why? Because the audience was standing during the first three songs and again during the encore. This show was criticized by one reviewer on who said

"the sound wasn�t the best� better in the encore actually, but most of the show, the piano and drums were drowning out her voice and the loudness was to the point to affect the quality."

I would have to agree with that sentiment.
Main Set

Raspberry Swirl
Cornflake Girl
Pandora�s Aquarium
Space Dog
Doughnut Song

Lizard Lounge

Silent All These Years

(band returns)

Pretty Good Year
Jamaica Inn
Precious Things
Strong Black Vine


Body and Soul
Take To The Sky
Big Wheel