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Scarlet's Walk Tour
Milwaukee, WI (Mil)
Sunday, December 1, 2002
Milwaukee Riverside Theatre

Dent Review: Review
Audience Recording

2002-12-01 Milwaukee, WI

Original Link:
Filename: tori2002-12-01.shnf.torrent
Info Hash: d9d6b68542441187e104483dacb8681217e6ea6c
Size: 703.60 MB (737,778,502 bytes)  (27 files)

Tori Amos
1 December 2002
Riverside Theatre; Milwaukee WI

Source: CSB > D8

Location: Section 2, Row K, Seat 18

Taper: Ryan Engel

DAT > CDR: Tascam DA-302 > Audiophile 2496 > Soundforge v5.0 > CDWAV > SHN

Set List:
Disc One:
Wampum Prayer
a sorta fairytale
Little Earthquakes
‘Shot of God Knows What’ improv/ Cornflake Girl
Scarlet's Walk
Caught A Lite Sneeze
Don't Make Me Go To Vegas
Black-Dove (January)
River (solo)
Mr. Zebra (solo)
Jackie's Strength (solo)
Never Seen Blue (solo)
‘Key of B’ improv / Purple People

Disc Two:
Precious Things
I Can't See New York
Spring Haze

1st Encore
Sweet Sangria
Little Amsterdam

2nd Encore
Space Dog
Hey Jupiter (Dakota version)
      (Pictures Interruption slight diginoise while Tori is talking)
Strange (faint static noise at the beginning)

Other Info:
Thanks to the Dent for saving me from typing up the set list.  Thanks to those who assisted me in transferring this recording to CD.